RocketGit #6: Integration with Eclipse IDE

1. Install Eclipse IDE and Git Plugin (EGIT).

2. Clone a remote git repository in Eclipse:

File --> Import -->  Git --> Projects from Git --> URI

3. Copy and paste the ssh://... link of your git repository into the URI field. (Everything else will be pre-populated)

4. Click Next. You will be prompted to enter the SSH key passphrase.

5. The master branch will be listed, select and click Next.

6. Specify a Local Destination directory for your repository and click Next.

7. Import in Eclipse (you have three options: (a) import an existing Eclipse project, (b) use new project wizard, (c) import as a general project)

NOTE: I chosed option (a) since my repository is already an existing Eclipse project.

Click Next and then Finish.

8. Your Eclipse project was imported in your local workspace.


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